Hello, Leon!
Well, you ask quite a lot of questions in one time...
I am in hurry in this cybercafe, so excuse my short answers.
Post by Leon HowellPlease excuse my inexcuseable ignorance, but could someone please
tell me *exactly* what CP/M+ & PCP/M do that CP/M 2.2 doesn't?
CP/M 2.2 is now known as the "standard" version of CP/M.
However, you can spot CP/M Old Timers when they notice that
some ways of programming are no longer CP/M 1.4 compatible...
That means that, for them, CP/M 1.4 was the standard...
(In fact, the only "standard" CP/M disk format was the 8"...)
From your question, it seems that, for you, CP/M 2.2 was the
"standard". So, let us summarizes in one paragraph the differences:
- CP/M+ (usually known as "CP/M Plus") was made specifically
for hard disks and a faster CPU that Zilog never made: the Z-800.
With this powerfuller CPU, it was planned that CP/M Plus would
be still single-tasking, but with the ability of running 3 "background
tasks" (not showing on screen, like spool printing of files, etc).
- PCP/M (usually known as "Personal CP/M") was a counter-attack
from Digital Research against the wave of MSX computers made
by Microsoft and a Japanese society. It is "standard" CP/M 2.2,
but rewritten so has to boot from ROM, and with lots of program
menu-driven (rather than using "command lines" like the famous
"A>command filename.typ").
Post by Leon HowellI know CP/M+ can handle tons of ram, but how much, and is it really
"tons of RAM" is maybe an exaggeration. By separating many,
many things in the BDOS and BIOS into 2 separate parts, called
the "Resident" and "Banked" (BDOS and BIOS), the usage of
top memory (known as FDOS to us, Old Timers) is much reduced.
It also depends on the number of "devices" supported.
You will be interested to know that the CP/M computer providing
the biggest TPA (63 KB) is not a CP/M Plus system, but a custom
version of CP/M 2.2, known as MultiFont CP/M 2.2, which was sold
in Europe by Epson for their Epson QX-10, the best Z-80 CP/M
micro ever made, in my opinion. (On the same QX-10, CP/M
Plus provides 61 KB of TPA.) (On the Amstrad PCW8256, CP/M
Plus provides 60 KB of TPA.)
"Is it really faster?" It depends from the implementations, but,
in general, I would say: YES. The reason is that, everytime
something is read from a disk, a copy is kept in RAM (usually
in one "Banked" area). Example: as long as you don't change
the disk in the drive, CP/M Plus scans the Directory NOT ON
THE DISK, BUT IN RAM!!! If you have the slightest idea of the
difference of speed between a disk access and a memory
access, you will instantly understand that, properly done, CP/M
Plus can "do circles" around a "standard" CP/M 2.2 implmentation
(even on the same hardware: it is only the OS that is different.
CP/M Plus was designed was huge directories used on hard disks).
Post by Leon HowellIs PCP/M really just menu driven CP/M+?
No. It is booting from ROM and is not copied from CP/M Plus,
but from CP/M 2.2 (althought it has additional BDOS calls,
but that another story, since it was written after Digital Research
had made so much things that you do not mention (like GSX
and CP/NET)).
Post by Leon HowellWhat does Z-System add?
The Z-System was a bastard of Unix and CP/M, exactly the same
as MS-DOS 2+ is a bastard of Unix and CP/M. (Technically,
MS-DOS v1 was a clone of CP/M...) Unix fans dismiss it.
CP/M fans find it repulsive. Only those who have not known the
originals can find them attractive.
Post by Leon HowellIs MP/M an OS by it's self, or can it be added to CP/M+ or PCP/M?
MP/M is a CP/M-compatible multi-user multi-tasking OS.
In my opinion, it is the most impressive piece of software
ever developed on an 8-bit CPU. It could run 4 people
on a single Z-80 at 4 MHz...
(No, it cannot be added to CP/M Plus or Personal CP/M,
which are other (single-user) OSes.)
Post by Leon HowellCan any of these multitask?
MP/M: yes. There was a 8086 version called MP/M-86,
then the name was changed to "Concurrent CP/M".
Most of the files that can be found on the Internet were
released from archives. The last owner of the rights to CP/M
says that most stuff was lost when Novell was the owner
of CP/M. Also, since Concurrent CP/M was running
on the IBM PC, they refused to release anything that
could still be used inside the last version (called DR DOS).
Post by Leon HowellI would also like some detailed info about T/Maker III, supposedly a
combination word proceccor, database & spreadsheet, and "Write Hand
Man" (I may not have the name write) a set of memory resident
- T/Maker III was, as you said, a combination. But I would said that
it was more a combination of spreadsheet and database. The
problem is that it was not very good nor impressive. Since the
programs doing only one task could contain more data, it faded
into obscurity. Its programmer continued to sold it privately during
many years. It was programmed in C, hence probably its slowness.
- Write Hand Man (WHM) is a mini-root staying in upper TPA.
When you press your system-dependent combination of keys,
you get a menu of some small utilities. (Personally, for a clock,
I prefer to have a clock next to my computer, and as for ASCII
table, I prefer to have it printed on paper...)
(Lee Hart mentioned WHM a short while ago. Maybe he could
provide you with more information, if you ask.)
Yours Sincerely,
"French Luser"