PCW Screen control
(too old to reply)
2024-02-11 13:38:05 UTC
I've got a copy of Personal Ancestral File 2.0 for CP/M which came from a bundle of old Amstrad PCW software. I'm looking for information on PCW screen control codes.
Jacob Nevins
2024-02-11 14:44:57 UTC
Post by Nathanael
I've got a copy of Personal Ancestral File 2.0 for CP/M which came from
a bundle of old Amstrad PCW software. I'm looking for information on PCW
screen control codes.
PCW CP/M more or less emulates a VT52 (a notable difference being that
it can display up to 32x90 characters).
The terminal control sequences were documented in the appendix
"Terminal characteristics" of the manual; see e.g.
(which describes it as having "facilities very similar to those of a
Zenith Z19/Z29 monitor").
Control sequences didn't depend on the exact PCW model.
There were a couple of rather obscure escape sequences added in later
versions of PCW CP/M; see "A rough outline of development" at
<https://www.seasip.info/Cpm/xbiosint.html> if you want to be sure to
avoid those.
