(too old to reply)
Thomas Stephens
2024-03-21 20:10:32 UTC
I have been blessed (cursed) by the demon Murphy with some projects for

The first is the easier one, re-release the should have been released
(lost, forgotten, missing release) CP/M 2.8 (P-CP/M 80). I have gotten a
good start on this but have a few questions and problems.

The DRI package is incomplete, it lacks part of the utilities and the CBIOS.

I got from POLY.PLAY the last copy of new/old stock the manual and disk
of Sharp MZ-800 PCP/M-80. I have a scaned and OCR'd PDF of the manual, I
am working on making a clean ASCII text file of the manual. I have two
versions of the disk, the original (MZ-2Z047v1.0a), and a slightly later
version (MZ-2Z047v1.0b).

1. Was PCP/M used on any computers other than the Sharp MZ-800?
2. Does anyone have copy of the BIOS (source code preferred) other than
3. Can you extract the files from two disk images for MZ-800? Have
extended DSK images but have not found any thing that works on my
windows tablet.
4. Recomendations for a Z80 disassembler and debugger for Windows 10(32
bit). I need to disassemble the BIOS to source code for the CBIOS.

Steve Nickolas
2024-03-21 22:43:56 UTC
Post by Thomas Stephens
4. Recomendations for a Z80 disassembler and debugger for Windows 10(32
bit). I need to disassemble the BIOS to source code for the CBIOS.
I use an old MS-DOS version of IDA still that supports Z80.

