RIP: Jon Saxton, former sysop of Tesseract RCPM+
(too old to reply)
Mr. Emmanuel Roche, France
2015-06-15 20:45:12 UTC

I just wanted you to know that Jon has passed yesterday after a tough battle with cancer..

I know he really enjoyed your chats.

Sherri Saxton
Charles Richmond
2015-06-15 23:17:11 UTC
Post by Mr. Emmanuel Roche, France
I just wanted you to know that Jon has passed yesterday after a tough battle with cancer..
I know he really enjoyed your chats.
Sherri Saxton
I am very sorry to hear this! You have my condolences. I hope Jon's old
equipment finds a good home because I know that's what he would want.
Again, I'm so sorry...
numerist at aquaporin4 dot com
Floppy Software
2015-06-16 07:07:13 UTC
Bad news.

RIP, descanse en paz.
Alan Laughton
2015-06-16 08:37:04 UTC
Post by Floppy Software
Bad news.
RIP, descanse en paz.
dottor Piergiorgio M. d' Errico
2015-06-16 18:34:51 UTC
Post by Floppy Software
Bad news.
RIP, descanse en paz.
*ahem* descanse = descent.

I'm sorry for pointing the questionable detail of this obit, but mr.
Roche , whose gives us the sad news, IS french and I'm sure he will be
NOT happy of reading this.

I'm saddened of this, and I'm worried for the issue of the now-orphaned
Tesseract computer (and its content), as posted by Jon Saxton. Life

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.
Danilo Coccia
2015-06-17 15:58:26 UTC
Post by dottor Piergiorgio M. d' Errico
Post by Floppy Software
Bad news.
RIP, descanse en paz.
*ahem* descanse = descent.
I'm sorry for pointing the questionable detail of this obit, but mr.
Roche , whose gives us the sad news, IS french and I'm sure he will be
NOT happy of reading this.
I'm saddened of this, and I'm worried for the issue of the now-orphaned
Tesseract computer (and its content), as posted by Jon Saxton. Life
Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.
*ahem* for those who know Spanish it is perfectly clear that
descanse = rest

so "descanse en paz" translates to "rest in peace" (RIP).

Best regards from Italy
2015-06-17 18:13:06 UTC
Post by dottor Piergiorgio M. d' Errico
Post by Floppy Software
Bad news.
RIP, descanse en paz.
*ahem* descanse = descent.
I'm sorry for pointing the questionable detail of this obit, but mr.
Roche , whose gives us the sad news, IS french and I'm sure he will be
NOT happy of reading this.
I'm saddened of this, and I'm worried for the issue of the now-orphaned
Tesseract computer (and its content), as posted by Jon Saxton. Life
Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.
Oh, please... "descanse en paz" is Spanish, because I'm Spanish, and the translation is, of course, "rest in peace".
Jack Strangio
2015-06-16 11:34:02 UTC
Post by Mr. Emmanuel Roche, France
I just wanted you to know that Jon has passed yesterday after a tough battle with cancer..
I know he really enjoyed your chats.
Sherri Saxton
Sad news. One of the quietly achieving pioneers of an interconnected world lost to us.

"It's rather cold." she said bitchily.
2015-06-17 00:17:00 UTC
I worked with Jon for several years in New York City and valued the time we were colleagues. When he and Sherri left NYC to return to Australia, they needed to dispose of a large quantity of unused cosmetic products. I contacted a shelter that served homeless women and was able to help those items find a productive use.

I have missed his smile and his charming accent from two cubes away for several years now. I'm happy to hear from a mutual friend that he was able to have some pleasant times back in Australia before the cancer returned.

Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis.
Post by Jack Strangio
Post by Mr. Emmanuel Roche, France
I just wanted you to know that Jon has passed yesterday after a tough battle with cancer..
I know he really enjoyed your chats.
Sherri Saxton
Sad news. One of the quietly achieving pioneers of an interconnected world lost to us.
"It's rather cold." she said bitchily.
Alexandre MONTARON
2015-06-17 08:47:27 UTC
I was exchanging some mails with him for the first time about Z80
mnemnonics ... It was 2-3 months ago ...


How old was him ?

Alex. - CP/M-80 french sysop during '90s ...
Post by Mr. Emmanuel Roche, France
I know he really enjoyed your chats.
Sherri Saxton
Andreas Gerlich
2015-08-18 15:56:39 UTC
Post by Mr. Emmanuel Roche, France
I just wanted you to know that Jon has passed yesterday after a tough battle with cancer..
I know he really enjoyed your chats.
Sherri Saxton

Before he passed away, Jon Saxton has worked on my Z80-CPU-Emulator
YAZE-AG (Yet Another Z80 Emulator by AG). He implemented the key
translation module that enables the usage of the PC's cursor keys to
navigate in CP/M applications like WordStar.

I am working on a new release of YAZE-AG containing that key translation
module. This release will be dedicated to Jon Saxton.

Best Regards
University of Ulm, Germany
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Andreas Gerlich
Open Source Projekt: Yet Another Z80 Emulator by AG (YAZE-AG)
2015-08-19 06:24:45 UTC
Post by Andreas Gerlich
Before he passed away, Jon Saxton has worked on my Z80-CPU-Emulator
YAZE-AG (Yet Another Z80 Emulator by AG). He implemented the key
translation module that enables the usage of the PC's cursor keys to
navigate in CP/M applications like WordStar.
I am working on a new release of YAZE-AG containing that key translation
module. This release will be dedicated to Jon Saxton.
Danke, Andreas !

I haven't looked into YAZE for a long time, will be an interesting
occasion for giving a new look into it...

Best regards from Italy,
dott. Piergiorgio.
Steven Hirsch
2015-08-19 11:58:43 UTC
Post by Andreas Gerlich
Before he passed away, Jon Saxton has worked on my Z80-CPU-Emulator
YAZE-AG (Yet Another Z80 Emulator by AG). He implemented the key
translation module that enables the usage of the PC's cursor keys to
navigate in CP/M applications like WordStar.
This was actually possible to implement with z80pack running in an xterm, but
decidedly not a lot of fun to set up. Will be good to have an emulator with
key mapping that works "out of the box".
fritz chwolka
2015-12-21 22:04:32 UTC
Post by Andreas Gerlich
Post by Mr. Emmanuel Roche, France
I just wanted you to know that Jon has passed yesterday after a tough battle with cancer..
I know he really enjoyed your chats.
Sherri Saxton
Before he passed away, Jon Saxton has worked on my Z80-CPU-Emulator
YAZE-AG (Yet Another Z80 Emulator by AG). He implemented the key
translation module that enables the usage of the PC's cursor keys to
navigate in CP/M applications like WordStar.
I am working on a new release of YAZE-AG containing that key translation
module. This release will be dedicated to Jon Saxton.
Best Regards
Hi Andreas,

please mail me a PM as I havn't your mailadress.


Fritz Chwolka
Mr. Emmanuel Roche, France
2015-12-24 22:25:26 UTC
Ok. Jon Saxton died 6 months ago, from cancer.

The last news are that his American (Jon was Australian) wife is still in their quite big property. It is quite a change from their New York flat!

Jon's son is now in charge of the Triton Web site.

And Jack got Jon's S-100 Bus system.

Yours Sincerely,
Mr. Emmanuel Roche, France
