2009-09-22 19:45:22 UTC
Back in February I posted here asking anyone who had a CP/M 2.2 system
using an 8080 CPU to try out a short program for me. It was a port of
Frank Cringle's ZEXLAX (aka ZEXDOC and ZEXALL) Z80 exerciser that
tested an 8080 CPU instead.
The purpose was to get some numbers from genuine hardware so that I,
or anyone else, could check that a 8080 emulator was performing
correctly: exactly emulating the operation of an 8080.
Well, 7 months later I've just got my first response, and my web page
has been updated with the results provided by somebody (thanks again
Alexander) using a Russian KR580VM80A 8080 clone.
I would still like to get the results for a "genuine" Intel 8080 CPU,
or any of the other legitimate clones, so if anyone with the
appropriate hardware can spare half an hour or so to run the
application it would be much appreciated.
More details at :
NB. If you have written an emulator and, when testing it using the
exerciser on the web site, it mysteriously fails on the 8 bit aluop
tests and all the dcr tests then send me an email. Thanks to some
detective work by some Russian Vector-06c users I can give you one
place to start looking.
using an 8080 CPU to try out a short program for me. It was a port of
Frank Cringle's ZEXLAX (aka ZEXDOC and ZEXALL) Z80 exerciser that
tested an 8080 CPU instead.
The purpose was to get some numbers from genuine hardware so that I,
or anyone else, could check that a 8080 emulator was performing
correctly: exactly emulating the operation of an 8080.
Well, 7 months later I've just got my first response, and my web page
has been updated with the results provided by somebody (thanks again
Alexander) using a Russian KR580VM80A 8080 clone.
I would still like to get the results for a "genuine" Intel 8080 CPU,
or any of the other legitimate clones, so if anyone with the
appropriate hardware can spare half an hour or so to run the
application it would be much appreciated.
More details at :
NB. If you have written an emulator and, when testing it using the
exerciser on the web site, it mysteriously fails on the 8 bit aluop
tests and all the dcr tests then send me an email. Thanks to some
detective work by some Russian Vector-06c users I can give you one
place to start looking.
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